Wednesday, October 24, 2012

6 word memoir

Takeing Wrong Turns Makes The Adventure

My six word memoir is Taking Wrong Turns Makes The Adventure.   There have been times where I set out to go somewhere and then I took a wrong turn and went somewhere different.  Whether it is traveling somewhere or walking around town the journey is not a means to the end but what you do along the way.  Sometimes you can make set plans and other times you should just go with things.  I’ve taken wrong turns and just kept following that direction and its more interesting. 




  1. Really insightful post. Definitely going to take more adventures and walk down different paths.

  2. Super. I agree with you so much. The writer Ursala K Leguin said, "It is good to have and end to journey towards, but it's the journey that matters, in the end." Your post reminds me of that. Thanks for sharing your insights and allowing us to get to know you better.

  3. Your post seems very similar to me. While in the Marine Corps we were taught to "Adapt and Overcome". While it may seem an odd way to look at it, I prefer to just roll with it and adapt to any situation as it arises. I have been able to have had many adventures in my life and I am glad that each has taken their twists and turns.
