Saturday, December 1, 2012

Rubber Movie Review

            Rubber is a comedy/ horror film directed by Quentin Dupieux that stars Stephen Spinella, Roxane Mesquida, Wings Hauser and more.  I came across this film on TV last year and found it interesting and I enjoyed it.  It is more of a comedy and less of a horror movie and is very obscure.  Rubber is the story of Robert, a tire, who discovers his telepathic powers.  Robert can roll around and can destroy things with his mind.  The film is set in the desert and starts off with Robert rolling around.  Robert is harmless until he is run over by a truck driver.  After that Robert sets his sits on a small desert town.

There isn’t a reason to this film and no reason is this films major theme.  The Police Lieutenant, Chad, describes the theme of no reason in these quotes.  In the beginning of the film Lieutenant Chad describes his theory of no reason and describes “the film you are about to see today is an homage to the "no reason" - that most powerful element of style.”  “You probably never gave it a thought, but all great films, without exception, contain an important element of no reason. And you know why? Because life itself is filled with no reason. Why can't we see the air all around us? No reason. Why are we always thinking? No reason.”

One part of this film that really has no reason is that there is a group of tourists watching the tire out in the desert.  I have forgotten why they are out in the desert or if there is even a reason. 

I describe this film as obscure and weird but that is why I enjoyed it.  I thought this film was funny and original.  A major part of the film that I enjoyed is the shots of the desert.  I enjoyed the landscape and the shots of the open road and the run down motels.  I also thought it was interesting how they filmed the tire rolling around.  I don’t know how they did it but it is interesting.  I would recommend this film to a person who likes weird films.  This film is meant to be weird and funny and if you try to find reason in it you won’t get it. 

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